April 15, 2011

Make Your Own Whipped Avocado Moisturizer

Posted by Jandika 11:12 PM, under | No comments

This is one of my absolute favorite moisturizers because not only is it fun, cheap, and easy to make, but it targets severe problem area such as rough knees, elbows, feet, or any other dry area. The ingredients used in this concoction are all natural and can be found at your local grocery or drug store. So here’s what you do!
Make Your Own Whipped Avocado Moisturizer
1/4 or 1/4 mashed avocado
an egg yolk
a teaspoon of honey
a teaspoon of rice bran
10 drop of evening primrose tincture
Mix all the ingredients together and apply to rough or dry skin such as hands, feet, elbows, etc. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse. Your skin will feel silky soft as the avocado and egg nourishes dry, cracked, and wrinkled skin with proteins and oils. The rice bran gently exfoliates your skin, revealing new, soft skin.

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